Below you’ll find some of our most common questions about the program, its contents, what to expect and the application procedure.

Still unsure? Feel free to contact us with your query.

What are the important dates of the program?

Application Period: 21st June – 21st July 2023

Selection Period: 22nd July – 23rd July 2023

Successful Applicants Announced: 24th July 2023

Program Dates: 7th August – 10th November 2023

London Immersion: 11th September – 24th September 2023

What does it cost to participate?

As our program is funded by the Australian Government’s AusIndustry, there is no cost involved in the program itself. However, all travel and accommodation costs to the in-person events both in Australia and the two weeks in London, UK are the responsibility of each participant.

Could you estimate the cost of travel and accommodation for the London visit?

We estimate the average cost of the London Immersion program to be $6,000 AUD (for flights, accommodation, food etc.). However, this may vary from person to person, depending on your choice of accommodation, airline and travel dates. There is no cost involved for the London program itself. You are responsible for making all your own travel arrangements.

What will I learn / what are the benefits of this program?

You will leave the program with the following:
– An understanding of the U.K. market for FMCG businesses and an initial vision for how your brand and products might compete in it;
– An initial network of key partners, funding sources and other useful connections to help you further explore the opportunities for your business in the U.K.;
– A Market Entry Strategy for the U.K. – and a strong understanding of how to approach other markets in the future.
– A financial model to accompany your market entry strategy.
– At least one pitch lined up with a major U.K. supermarket.

How much time should I set aside for the program?

We know that your time and money are both scarce – we also know that it can be hard to get out of the day-to-day running of your business and focus on strategy. We have designed the program to support you in both these areas.

In order to take advantage of all of the benefits on offer, you will need to commit to being available for 5 virtual sessions (max 3 hours each) and the 2 week visit to London. You will obviously need to work on your strategy, financial model and pitch – and conduct your own research – outside of this.

Where will the sessions take place?

Our program sessions will be delivered virtually and last no more than 3 hours each, likely less. The London Immersion program will take place in London.

Ultimately, the time you set aside to build your strategic plan to enter the U.K. market should recognise how important this opportunity is to you and your business.

Can multiple participants from a company or non-CEOs join the program?

Absolutely, we encourage you to bring along co-founders, head of export or anyone else you think relevant. However, we do recommend having a senior leader attend all the sessions – the purpose of the program is to help you make a strategic plan to enter the U.K. market, so your main representative should be suitably qualified to build and implement that strategy.

Who is eligible for the program?

We will assess all of our applications according to the following:

Business Criteria 

  • Must be an Australian FMCG business ready to scale internationally
  • Must currently have robust supply chain/production practices.
  • Must have sufficient experience supplying product to large retailers/previous exporting experience preferable

Strong Desire to Export to the UK:

  • Possess a strong commitment to begin exporting to the UK market.
  • Possess a dedicated team with the ability (technical infrastructure and resources) to implement strategies and solutions, or the ability to build one.
  • Must have sufficient funds available to commit to executing on a suitable opportunity (such as a successful pitch to Sainsbury’s)

Commitment to Participate:

  • Participants should be CEO’s with optional support from other C-level executives or business development roles
  • Ensure you can commit to attending all workshops and program activities
  • Ensure that you can participate and finance the international travel component of the program to London (estimated at $6,000 plus GST per person (tax deductible under the Export Market Development Grant.
How many places are available for the program?

We have limited places available for the program – and are experiencing a high volume of applications – so we advise that you apply for your place sooner rather than later.

How do I know if I have been accepted into the program?

We will be contacting all applicants in the week starting July 24th 2023 to inform them of the outcome of their application.